Caribbean Cowboy
Under the Caribbean Sun, 4
Nik & Jannis
Caribbean Caress
Under the Caribbean Sun, 1
Joe & Saskia
Prepare to fall in love…
Welcome to the gorgeous Caribbean isle of Anguilla, where tourists flock for privacy and locals never have any. Some people believe there is magic on the warm sea breeze, knocking men and women off kilter until they fall madly in love. Whether it’s fate, the island playing Cupid, that everyone wears as little as possible to keep from melting under the Caribbean sun – the Prinsen brother’s aren’t about to argue, since it turned out so well for them.
Three brothers, one island, and the lengths they’ll go for love.
Not for those easily distracted by mancandy, seductive whispers, or creative…positioning. Indulging in this series may cause you to re-read repeatedly.
If you can’t stand the heat,
stay away from old flames.
Her touch is his greatest temptation
Sometimes a bad boy can be very good...
Caribbean Crossroads
Under the Caribbean Sun, 5
Caribbean Crush
Under the Caribbean Sun, 3
Antonnis & Kristen
Under The Caribbean Sun
Caribbean Casanova
Under the Caribbean Sun, 2
Harm & Holly
What's a little fantasy between strangers
Caribbean Castaway
Under the Caribbean Sun, 6